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PastBook Help Center
PastBook App - Android
PastBook App - Android
PastBook App
How can I delete my account?
How do I create a PastBook?
Do you only offer Photo Books?
Is the app only available for Android or is it also available on iOS?
How to create
Create using Date range
Create using Location
Create using an Album
Size & Orders
What sizes are available for the PastBook Photo Book?
What cover types are available for Photo Book?
How can I order a Photo Book?
How can I order more copies of the same book?
How long does it take to receive the book?
Edit Photo Books
How can I add photos?
How can I delete photos?
How can I delete a whole page?
How can I change the cover picture?
How can I adjust how the cover picture is cropped?
How can I replace photos?
See all 16 articles
More Information
How much does a Photo Book cost?
How can I delete a book?
Can I buy a book that I already purchased?
How can I sign into my account?